Sunday, 2 November 2008

Guy Fawkes 10 Another race missed - 2nd November 2008.

Was hoping to do the Guy fawkes 10 mile at Ripley(Harrogate) today. Logged onto the Nidd Valley Road Runners site last night and found out the race is full!! I have done this race on and off for the last 10 years at least. I wish there was someone to blame, but really there isn't... I should have pre-entered plain and simple. It is a consequence of the modern age i.e online entering and the ease of availability of entry forms(down loading e.t.c).

Not to be too dis - heartened, I decided to go to the local Gym and do some weights and treadmill work instead. It is the first time I have been to that gym, even though it is a mere 10 minutes walk from home. It is that sort of gym that resembles a torture chamber -just the sort of gym I like. Did some leg curls, squats and some upper body work. I will see how I feel tomorrow, that is always a good indicator of what you have put in.

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